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                 1244/colaborationstropism.htm    85 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim, Ankara, Meteksan
              57  Kingsley R. Stern,  Introductory Plant  Biology,  Yay›nlar›, s. 80
                 Wm.C.Brown Publishers, USA, 1991, s.190  86  Kingsley R. Stern,  Introductory Plant Biology,
              58  Wm.C.Brown Publishers, USA, 1991,sf.32
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                 Wallace, Sanders , Ferl, Biology The Science of Life,  diatoms.html;
                 Harper Collins, USA, 1996, sf. 640-641, 660  266.htm
              60  89 tructure/leafcolor/xanthophylls.html,
                                                  90  Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evolution and The
                                                    Origin of Life, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1977, s. 2
                 OBK/BioBookPLANTHORM.html; Malcolm Wil-
                                                  91  Alexander I. Oparin, Origin of Life, (1936) New York,
                 kins, Plantwatching, Facts  on File Publications, 1988,
                                                    Dover Publications, 1953 (Reprint), s.196
                                                  92  New Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmosphere
              63 Malcolm Wilkins, Plantwatching, Facts on File Publi-  and Life, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Soci-
                 cations, 1988, s.172-173
                                                    ety, cilt 74, Kas›m 1982, s. 1328-1330.
                 rary/weekly/aa120797.htm         93 Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Current
                                                    Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of Small Molecules,
                                                    1986, s. 7
              66  Sylvia S. Mader, Inquiry into Life, Wm. C. Brown  94 Jeffrey Bada, Earth, fiubat 1998, s. 40
                                                  95  Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth", Scien-
                 Publishers,USA, 1991, s.726-727
              67  tific American, cilt 271, Ekim 1994, s. 78
                 OBK/BioBookPS.html               96 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of
              68  Kingsley R. Stern,  Introductory Plant Biology,  the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s.
                 Wm.C.Brown Publishers, USA, 1991, s.38  189
              69  Kingsley R. Stern,  Introductory Plant Biology,  97 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of
                 Wm.C.Brown Publishers, USA, 1991, s.38  the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s.
              70  Solomon-Berg- Martin-Villee, Biology, Harcourt Bra-  184.
                 ce, USA,1993, s.190,             98  B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylvania: The
              71  "From Photons to Chlorophyll", Some Observations  Banner Of Truth Trust, 1988.
                 Regarding Color in the Plant World, C.J. Horn, Botany  99 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of
                 Column-Kas›m, 1997,  the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, s.
                 edu/photosyn/education/photointro.html  179
              72  100  Derek A. Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil Record", Pro-
                 per/gov.html#52                    ceedings of the British Geological Association, cilt
              73  Kingsley R. Stern, Introductory Plant  Biology, Wm.C.  87, 1976, s. 133
                 Brown Publishers, USA, 1991, s.167-168  101  Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New York:
              74  "From Photons to Chlorophyll", Some Observations
                                                    Pantheon Books, 1983. s. 197
                 Regarding Color in the Plant World, C.J. Horn, Botany
                                                  102 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York:
                 Column-Kas›m, 1997
                                                    Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 75-94; Charles E. Ox-
              75  Malcolm Wilkins, Plantwatching, Facts  on File Publi-  nard, "The Place of Australopithecines in Human Evolu-
                 cations, 1988, s.154
                                                    tion: Grounds for Doubt", Nature, cilt 258, s. 389
              76  Kingsley R. Stern,  Introductory Plant Biology,
                                                  103  J. Rennie, "Darwin's Current Bulldog: Ernst Mayr",
                 Wm.C.Brown Publishers, USA, 1991, s.174,
                                                    Scientific American, Aral›k 1992
                                                  104 Alan Walker, Science, cilt 207, 1980, s. 1103; A. J. Kel-
                                                    so, Physical Antropology, 1. bask›, New York: J. B. Li-
                                                    pincott Co., 1970, s. 221; M. D. Leakey, Olduvai Gor-
                                                    ge, cilt 3, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
              78  "From Photons to Chlorophyll", Some Observations
                                                    1971, s. 272
                 Regarding Color in the Plant World, C.J. Horn, Botany
                                                  105  Time, Kas›m 1996
                 Column-Kas›m, 1997
              79  Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries Of Life, s. 52  106  S. J. Gould, Natural History, cilt 85, 1976, s. 30
              80  Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries Of Life, s. 52  107 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York:
              81  Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries Of Life,  s. 52  Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 19
              82  108 Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World", The
              83  New York Review of Books, 9 Ocak, 1997, s. 28
                 BOTT311/PSyn/Psyn11.htm          109 Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom,
              84  Kingsley R. Stern,  Introductory Plant Biology,  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980, s.43
                 Wm.C.Brown Publishers, USA, 1991, s.169-170
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