Page 15 - How Do The Unwise Interpret The Qur'an ?
P. 15
Reasons for Misinterpreting the Qur'an
alone in the Qur'an, they turn their backs and run
away. (Surat al-Isra': 45-46)
The Qur'an is an invitation to the right path for the whole of
mankind, but God directly addresses only those who believe in
Him. This is why the Qur'an has been revealed as a book that is
only understood properly by believers. The most important
qualities of believers, that allow them to understand the Qur'an,
are their good consciences and sincerity. It is only natural for
people who are distant from religion and whose spiritual state and
character are far from those of a believer, to misunderstand the
The Qur'an is written in a very clear, simple and
understandable language but, as we have already stated, it is a book
that is only clear to those believers with a pure conscience. If
anyone who has not been introduced to Islam yet, in other words
who is still a non-believer, approaches the Qur'an wholeheartedly,
sincerely and without prejudice, which are the traits of a believer,
he will be able to realize by the use of his conscience that it is the
word of God. Everyone of good conscience would accept that the
Qur'an, whether from the magnificence of its style, its perfection
and clarity or from its superior scientific contents and wisdom,
does not represent the words of a man but is instead a holy book.
If such a conscientious person expresses faith and tries to
comprehend the Qur'an, then its wisdom will become apparent to
him. God's messenger, the Prophet Muhammad, also referred to
this in a hadith:
Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakra's father narrated that the
Prophet (saas) said: "If God wants to do good to a person, he
makes him comprehend the religion and of course knowledge
is attained by learning." (Bukhari 1/67)