Page 28 - How Do The Unwise Interpret The Qur'an ?
P. 28
true book. Reading the Qur'an with awareness and a strong
conscience would result in exposing the true face of such warped
beliefs. It would also lead to a loss of status of those who maintain
such beliefs, who have based their lifestyles and interests upon this
twisted religion and have used it to build their position and rank.
The Qur'an reports the situation of people who are far from
realizing the true meaning of the Qur'anic verses and yet try to turn
people away from the right path with uneducated explanations:
But there are some people who trade in distracting
tales to misguide people from God's Way knowing
nothing about it and to make a mockery of it. Such
people will have a humiliating punishment. When
Our Signs are recited to such a person, he turns away
arrogantly as if he had not heard, as if there was a
great weight in his ears. So give him news of a painful
punishment. (Surah Luqman: 6-7)
Evidently, those who have such warped intentions and
understanding, together with their ignorant, blind followers, will
have an equally distorted perspective on and approach to the
Qur'an. They will attempt to explain the verses, which are quite
straightforward to the true followers of Islam, in a perverse way. In
so doing they will strive to link their warped religion to the Qur'an.
Such wicked tendencies will lead these peoples' followers to
loss in this world and in the Hereafter. At the same time, they will
cause those without sufficient knowledge of religion to split away
from Islam, and prevent them from drawing close to God. These
people will spark off the utmost disruption and pose a threat to
religion by attracting more ignorant people like themselves to their
side. However, the right will always be victorious against the wrong
and as the Qur'an informs us "the falsehood is always bound to