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27 Peter J. B. Slater, The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (New York: Facts on File
               Publications, 1987), S. 87.
               28 Glenn Oeland, “Emperors of the Ice”, National Geographic, Vol. 189, no. 3, Marz
               1996, S. 64.
               29 Giovanni G. Bellani, Quand L’oiseau Fait Son Nid (When The Bird Makes Its Nest)
               (Arthaud, 1996), S. 85.
               30 Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, S. 13-14.
               31 Bellani, Quand L’oiseau Fait Son Nid, S. 24, 90.
               32 Ebd., 89.
               33 David Attenborough, The Life of Birds (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1998),
               S. 233-234.
               34 Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, p. 47.
               35 Attenborough, The Life of Birds, S. 234.
               36 Slater, The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, S. 42; and Attenborough, Life of Birds, S.
               37 “Kalahari Gems,”
               38 Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, S. 13.
               39 Attenborough, Life of Birds, S. 225.
               40 Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, S. 14.
               41 Ebd., S. 14.
               42 Ebd., S. 47.
               43 Attenborough, Life of Birds, S. 149-151.
               44 The Marvels of Animal Behavior (National Geopraphic Society, 1972), S. 301; and
               Attenborough, Life of Birds, S. 228.
               45 Curt Kosswig, Genel Zooloji (General Zoology) (Istanbul: 1945), S. 145-148.
               46 Thor Larsen, “Polar Bear: Lonely Nomad of the North”, National Geographic, April
               1971, S. 587.
               47 International Wildlife, November-Dezember 1994, S. 15.
               48 Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, S. 15.
               49 Ebd., S. 16.
               50 Ebd., S. 17.
               51 Ebd., S. 6.
               52 Tony Seddon, Animal Parenting (New York: Facts on File Publications, 1989), S. 27.
               53 Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, S. 19.
               54 David Attenborough, Life on Earth (Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, 1979),
               S. 147.
               55 Seddon, Animal Parenting, S. 31.
               56 Attenborough, Life on Earth, S. 145.
               57 Ebd., S. 146.
               58 Seddon, Animal Parenting, S. 19.
               59 Bellani, Quand L’oiseau Fait Son Nid, S. 59.
               60 Attenborough, The Life of Birds, S. 241.
               61 Roger B. Hirschland, How Animals Care for Their Babies (Washington D.C.: National

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