Page 108 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 108

Bee-eaters feed their young
                     with bees, insects,
              wasps, butterflies, mantids
                and termites. In order to
              prevent injury to their off-
             spring, first they smash the
              victims against a branch to
                          kill them.
                Above:Young bee-eaters
                     awaiting feeding.
             Below: The bee-eater deliv-
                ering food to its young.

                                                                    Parent birds are
                                                                    among the most
                                                                    hard-working of
                                                                    animals. They fly
                                                                    countless times,
                                                                    sometimes as
                                                                    many as a thou-
                                                                    sand times a day,
                                                                    in order to find
                                                                    food for their

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