Page 144 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 144


               ments like "Nature gave animals the instinct to care for their young,"
               or "Nature provided birds with the ability to build nests." But can
               nature possibly have such powers? What we call nature is the sum

               total of created things like trees, stones, rivers, mountains, water and
               earth. The question is, which part of it has the power, ability, knowl-
               edge and consciousness to bestow such features?
                   People who ascribe such creative powers to nature are really
               behaving according to the classic denial mentality of crediting na-
               ture with divinity. But nature itself is the totality of created beings.
               The Qur'an exposes those who ascribe divinity to helpless beings:
                   But they have adopted gods apart from Him which do not cre-
                   ate anything but are themselves created. They have no power
                   to harm or help themselves. They have no power over death
                   or life or resurrection. (Qur'an, 25: 3)
                   From a rational, logical point of view, it is impossible for beings
               devoid of skill and reason to give to other beings qualities such as

               awareness, intelligence, knowledge, skills or any other mental fac-
                   The truth is clear and open for all to see: God is most compas-
               sionate and most merciful, He is the Creator and Sustainer of all liv-
               ing things, and it is He Who makes animals' behavior devoted, com-
               passionate and merciful.
                   The few examples of altruism, compassion and mercy cited in
               this book are the signs of our Lord's infinite compassion and mercy
               Who has created and sustains us and everything else. It is not an un-
               thinking parent who decides to protect, feed and watch over a baby
               bird or young gazelle. God inspires these animals to protect and
               feed their young, which explains why they are so dedicated towards
               them, working day and night, even if it costs them their lives. Our
               Lord's compassion and mercy is not only for these beings, but also
               for everything else in the universe, including us humans. For this

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