Page 48 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 48


                                                                  Many mammal
                                                                  species clean their
                                                                  newborn young by
                                                                  licking them, dur-
                                                                  ing which process
                                                                  they also memo-
                                                                  rize its smell.
                                                                  Thereafter, they
                                                                  can easily tell their
                                                                  young apart
                                                                  among all other
                                                                  young of the same

              question is simple: God creates everything perfect within itself, gives
              each penguin a distinct voice note and the ability to recognize by voice,
              thereby making their lives easier for them.

                   Cozy Nests Built for Offspring
                   Nests play an important role in protecting animals, in particular
              their young. Many species use a wealth of astonishing techniques to
              construct nest with a variety of diverse architectural details. Animals
              plan often like architects, working like master builders, finding techni-
              cal solutions like engineers, and sometimes adorning their nests like
              decorators. Often they work tirelessly, day and night, in constructing
              their nest. Their mates often share the workload, and the two assist each
              another. The nests most carefully prepared are those built for the ex-
              pected arrival of the young.
                   The various techniques used to build these nests are so perfect that
              one would not expect them from animals devoid of intellect and tech-
              nological skills. As the following pages will show in great detail, they
              could not have been designed by the animals themselves, because they
              would have to plan out the many stages of the project before even be-
              ginning to build. First off, they'd have to realize the need for a nest for

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