Page 59 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 59
Selfless Devotion of Creatures Within the Family
Albatrosses build protective
nests for their young. Weeks
before the female birds ar-
rive on the nesting site, the
males come to restore and
repair the old nests.
mate, albatrosses always return to their place of birth, where they form
huge colonies. Weeks before the females arrive, the males restore last
season's old nests to provide a comfortable abode for the coming young.
Albatrosses' dedication to their eggs is remarkable, inasmuch as they sit
for 50 days without getting up.
Nor is their dedication limited to protecting and caring for their
eggs. Often they fly distances of over 1,500 km—a thousand miles—to
gather food for their chicks.