Page 78 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 78


               an hour (75-95 mph). Under these murderous conditions, the male
               penguins go without food for a month and hardly ever move, prov-
               ing their dedication for their offspring. In order not to freeze, male
               penguins huddle closer together, forming a solid bloc. To prevent
               cold air from blowing in between them, they press their beaks
               against their chests and their necks curve to the horizontal, thus
               forming a feathered roof with no gaps in between. Those penguins
               on the fringes are forced to stomach all the harshness of the South
               Pole. Not for long, though, because they keep rotating so as to face
               the cold in turns, proving their solidarity. No one bird refuses to take
               his turn.
                   It is very significant indeed that thousands of penguins can live
               side by side under the harshest conditions without conflict. It would
               be very unlikely for man, blessed with consciousness and intellect,
               to live in harmony, considerate and unselfish, where such a conflict
               of interest exists. But penguins do not desert their eggs, despite
               these inhospitable conditions and the threats to their own lives. This
               deals a lethal blow to the evolutionists' claim that the weak die out
               and perish, destroyed by
               the strong. Instead, nature is
               where the vulnerable are
               protected and cared for, de-
               spite all the hardships in-

                   Both male and female em-
                   peror penguins show self-
                      less devotion for their

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