Page 116 - Perished Nations
P. 116
The Drowning of Fir’awn and
His Men in the Sea
The Qur’an informs us about the most important aspects of
the event of the division of the Red Sea. According to the
account in the Qur’an, Musa (as) set out from Egypt with the
Children of Israel who obeyed him. However, Fir’awn could
not accept their departure without his permission. He and his
soldiers followed them "in insolence and spite" (Surah Yunus:
90). By the time Musa (as) and the Children of Israel reached
the shore, Fir’awn and his soldiers had caught up with them.
Some of the Children of Israel, who saw this, began to
complain to Musa (as). This weakness of the community is also
described in the Qur’an in the following verse: "And when the
two bodies saw each other, the people of Musa said: 'We are
sure to be overtaken.'" (Surat ash-Shu’ara: 61)
As a matter of fact, this was not the first time that the
Children of Israel displayed such behaviour in which they
We save thee in the body, that thou
mayest be a sign to those who
come after thee! but verily, many
among mankind are heedless of
Our Signs! (Surah Yunus: 92)
Harun Yahya