Page 15 - Perished Nations
P. 15

Devising to "stone Shu’ayb", who had done nothing but invite them to
          goodness, the Madyan people were punished by the wrath of Allah and
          they perished as described in the verses above. The Madyan people are
          not the only example. On the contrary, as Shu’ayb (as) noted while talking
          with his people, many previous communities before the Madyan people
          had perished. After Madyan, many other communities also were destroyed
          by Allah’s wrath.
             In the following pages, we will describe the aforementioned communi-
          ties which perished and their remnants. In the Qur’an, these communities
          are described in detail and people are invited to ponder on and take war-
          ning from how these people ended up.
             At this point, the Qur’an draws particular attention to the fact that the
          majority of the communities which perished had established advanced ci-
          vilisations. In the Qur’an, this characteristic of the communities which pe-
          rished is stressed in the following verse:
             But how many generations before them did We destroy (for their sins) -
             stronger in power than they? Then did they wander through the land: was
             there any place of escape (for them)? (Surah Qaf: 36)
             In the verse, two characteristics of the peoples which perished are par-
          ticularly emphasised. The first is their being "stronger in power". This con-
          veys that the communities which perished had established disciplined and
          strong military-bureaucratic systems and snatched power in the territory
          they lived through force. The second point is that the aforementioned com-
          munities founded big cities distinguished by their impressive architectural
             It is noteworthy that these characteristics belong as well to the current
          civilisation, which has established an elaborate world-culture through to-
          day’s technology and science, and has founded centralised states, huge ci-
          ties, yet denies Allah, forgetting that all is made possible by His power. But,
          as it is said in the verse, the civilisations they established could not save
          the communities which perished, since their civilisations were based on
          the denial of Allah.
             A considerable number of the incidents of destruction, some of which

                                                            Perished Nations
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