Page 33 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 33
other members of the family of 'Imran.
Surely, these false accusations were a test for Maryam (as).
It was apparent that a person, so pure and pious, would not
overstep Allah's limits. From the time Maryam (as) was born,
Allah always helped her and turned everything she did to good.
Maryam (as), in return, knew that every incident happens by the
Will of Allah and only Allah could prove the groundless nature
of these slanders.
Indeed, Allah provided comfort to Maryam (as) and
inspired her to remain quiet. Allah instructed her not to speak
with her people but to point to the Prophet Jesus (as), if they ever
approached her and attempted to make accusations. In this way,
Maryam (as) avoided any trouble such a discussion was likely to
create. The one who would provide the most accurate answers to
the people was the Prophet Jesus (as). When Allah gave the good
tidings of the birth of the Prophet Jesus (as) to Maryam (as), He
also informed her that he would speak clearly while he was still
in his cradle:
He will speak to people in the cradle, and also when
fully grown, and will be one of the righteous. (Surah Al
'Imran: 46)
Thus Allah made things easier for Maryam (as) and provid-
ed the true explanation to the people through the words of the
Prophet Jesus (as). With such a miracle, the disbelief of the peo-
ple surrounding Maryam (as) simply failed. We are informed in
the Qur'an:
She pointed towards him. They said, "How can a baby
in the cradle speak?" He said, "I am the slave of Allah.
He has given me the Book and made me a Prophet. He
has made me blessed wherever I am and directed me to