Page 39 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 39
Allah Foiled the Unbelievers' Plot
The plan to kill the Prophet Jesus (as) is not an isolated
event, for throughout history unbelievers have made similar
plans against the prophets sent to them. In the Qur'an, Allah
reveals that whenever a prophet came to his unbelieving people
and began calling on them to live by the moral values of the true
religion, the unbelievers would inevitably set about preparing
traps for them and even try to kill them:
We gave Moses the Book and sent a succession of mes-
sengers after him. We gave Jesus, son of Maryam, the
clear signs and reinforced him with the Purest Spirit.
Why then, whenever a messenger came to you with
something that your lower selves did not desire, did
you grow arrogant, and deny some of them and murder
others? (Surat al-Baqara, 87)
Those who cast the Prophet Abraham (as) into the flames,
pursued the Prophet Moses (as) with their armies, sought to kill
our beloved the Prophet Muhammad (saas) in a nocturnal
attack, and left the Prophet Joseph (as) at the bottom of a well
solely because all of these prophets said: "Allah is our Lord"
have exactly the same mindset, even though they lived at differ-
ent times. All of them sought to rebel against Allah and His mes-
sengers, opposed the moral values commanded by Allah, and
ignored the fact that they would have to account for their deeds
in the Hereafter. Their anger arose out of the prophets remind-
ing them of several facts: that they were Allah's servants and
therefore should be faithful to Him, give alms and perform good
deeds to win His good approval, be just and modest, and that
the prophets were chosen and immaculate messengers in His
Presence. As a result, these people set traps for the prophets.