Page 178 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 178


             On the island of Java, Homo erectus remains were found that are 27,000
             years old. 212
                 One of the most surprising discoveries in this area was the 30,000-
             year-old Homo erectus, Neanderthal, and Homo sapiens fossils found in Java
             in 1996. The New York Times wrote in its front-page story: "Until about a
             couple of decades ago, scientists conceived of the human lineage as a neat
             progression of one species to the next and generally thought it impossible
             that two species could have overlapped in place or time." 213
                 This discovery reveals once again the invalidity of the "evolutionary
             tree" scenario regarding the origin of man.

                 Latest Evidence: Sahelanthropus tchadensis and
                 The Missing Link That Never Was
                 The latest evidence to shatter the evolutionary theory's claim about
             the origin of man is the new fossil Sahelanthropus tchadensis unearthed in
             the Central African country of Chad in the summer of 2002.
                 The fossil has disturbed the world of Darwinism. In its article giving
             news of the discovery, the world-renowned journal Nature admitted that
             "New-found skull could sink our current ideas about human evolution." 214
                 Daniel Lieberman of Harvard University said that "This [discovery]
             will have the impact of a small nuclear bomb." 215
                 The reason for this is that although the fossil in question is 7 million
             years old, it has a more "human-like" structure (according to the criteria
             evolutionists have hitherto used) than the 5 million-year-old
             Australopithecus ape species that is alleged to be "mankind's oldest
             ancestor." This shows that the evolutionary links established between
             extinct ape species based on the highly subjective and prejudiced criterion
             of "human similarity" are totally imaginary.
                 John Whitfield, in his article "Oldest Member of Human Family
             Found" published in Nature on July, 11, 2002, confirms this view quoting
             from Bernard Wood, an evolutionist anthropologist from George
             Washington University in Washington:
                 "When I went to medical school in 1963, human evolution looked like a
                 ladder." he [Bernard Wood] says. The ladder stepped from monkey to man
                 through a progression of intermediates, each slightly less ape-like than the

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