Page 308 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 308


                          THE END OF MATERIALISM

             M       aterialist philosophy lies at the basis of the theory of evolution.

                     Materialism rests on the supposition that everything that exists is
                     matter. According to this philosophy, matter has existed since
                     eternity, will continue to exist forever, and there is nothing but
             matter. In order to provide support for their claim, materialists use a logic
             called "reductionism." This is the idea that things which are not observable
             can also be explained by material causes.
                 To make matters clearer, let us take the example of the human mind. It
             is evident that the mind cannot be touched or seen. Moreover, it has no
             center in the human brain. This situation unavoidably leads us to the
             conclusion that mind is a concept beyond matter. Therefore, the being
             which we refer to as "I," who thinks, loves, fears, worries, and feels pleasure
             or pain, is not a material being in the same way as a sofa, a table or a stone.
                 Materialists, however, claim that mind is "reducible to matter."
             According to the materialist claim, thinking, loving, worrying and all our
             mental activities are nothing but chemical reactions taking place between
             the atoms in the brain. Loving someone is a chemical reaction in some cells
             in our brain, and fear is another. The famous materialist philosopher Karl
             Vogt is notorious for his assertion that "the brain secretes thought just as
             the liver secretes bile." 377  Bile, however, is matter, whereas there is no
             evidence that thought is.
                 Reductionism is a logical deduction. However, a logical deduction
             can be based on solid grounds or on shaky ones. For this reason, the
             question we need to ask is:  What happens when reductionism is
             compared to scientific data?

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