Page 332 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 332
The same applies to all other perceptions. When you believe you're
hearing the sound of the television in the next room, for instance, actually
you are experiencing those sounds inside your brain. The noises you think
are coming from meters away and the conversation of the person right
beside you—both are perceived in the auditory center in your brain, only
a few cubic centimeters in size. Apart from this center of perception, no
concepts such as right, left, front or behind exist. That is, sound does not
come to you from the right, from the left, or from above; there is no
direction from which sound "really" comes.
Similarly, none of the smells you perceive reach you from any
distance away. You suppose that the scents perceived in your center of
smell are the real ones of outside objects. However, just as the image of a
rose exists in your visual center, so its scent is located in your olfactory
center. You can never have direct contact with the original sight or smell
of that rose that exists outside.
To us, the "external world" is a collection of the electrical signals
reaching our brains simultaneously. Our brains process these signals, and
some people live without recognizing how mistaken they are in assuming
that these are the actual, original versions of matter existing in the
"external world." They are misled, because by means of our senses, we can
never reach the matter itself.
Again, our brain interprets and attributes meanings to the signals
related to the "external world" of which people imagine they are in contact
with the original that exists outside. Consider the sense of hearing, for
example. In fact, our brain interprets and transforms sound waves reaching
our ear into symphonies. That is to say, we know music as interpreted by
our brain, not the original music that exists outside. In the same manner,
when we see colors, different wavelengths of light are all that reaches our
eyes, and our brain transforms these wavelengths into colors. The colors in
the "external world" are unknown to us. We can never have direct
experience of the true red of an apple, the true blue of the sky or the true
green of trees. The external world depends entirely on the perceiver.
Even the slightest defect in the eye's retina can cause color blindness.
Some people perceive blue as green, others red as blue, and still others see
all colors as different tones of gray. At this point, it no longer matters
whether the outside object is colored or not.