Page 67 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 67

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                                      modification through natural selection." -that
                                      is, the theory at the heart of in his book. But as
                                      we saw earlier, 60 to 100 different animal
                                      phyla started into life in the Cambrian Age, all
                                      together and at the same time, let alone small
                                      categories such as species. This proves that the
                                      picture which Darwin had described as "fatal
                                      to the theory" is in fact the case. This is why the
                                      Swiss evolutionary paleoanthropologist Stefan
                                      Bengtson, who confesses the lack of
             Darwin said that if his  transitional links while describing the
             theory was correct, the
             long periods before the  Cambrian Age, makes the following comment:
             trilobites should have   "Baffling (and embarrassing) to Darwin, this
             been full of their       event still dazzles us." 73
             ancestors. But not one
             of these creatures            Another matter that needs to be dealt
             predicted by Darwin      with regarding trilobites is that the 530-
             has ever been found.
                                      million-year-old compound structure in these
                                      creatures' eyes has come down to the present
             day completely unchanged. Some insects today, such as bees and
             dragonflies, possess exactly the same eye structure. This discovery deals
             yet another "fatal blow" to the theory of evolution's claim that living things
             develop from the primitive to the complex.

                 The Origin of Vertebrates
                 As we said at the beginning, one of the phyla that suddenly emerged
             in the Cambrian Age is the Chordata, those creatures with a central nervous
             system contained within a braincase and a notochord or spinal column.
             Vertebrates are a subgroup of chordates. Vertebrates, divided into such
             fundamental classes as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, are
             probably the most dominant creatures in the animal kingdom.
                 Because evolutionary paleontologists try to view every phylum as the
             evolutionary continuation of another phylum, they claim that the Chordata
             phylum evolved from another, invertebrate one. But the fact that, as with
             all phyla, the members of the Chordata emerged in the Cambrian Age
             invalidates this claim right from the very start.

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