Page 84 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 84
that reptiles existed on earth some 30 million years before Seymouria first
appeared on it. The oldest Seymouria fossils are found in the Lower
Permian layer, or 280 million years ago. Yet the oldest known reptile
species, Hylonomus and Paleothyris, were found in lower Pennsylvanian
layers, making them some 315-330 million years old. 96 It is surely
implausible, to say the least, that the "ancestor of reptiles" lived much later
than the first reptiles.
In brief, contrary to the evolutionist claim that living beings evolved
gradually, scientific facts reveal that they appeared on earth suddenly and
fully formed.
Snakes and Turtles
Furthermore, there are impassable boundaries between very different
orders of reptiles such as snakes, crocodiles, dinosaurs, and lizards. Each
one of these different orders appears all of a sudden in the fossil record,
and with very different structures. Looking at the structures in these very
different groups, evolutionists go on to imagine the evolutionary
processes that might have happened. But these hypotheses are not
reflected in the fossil record. For instance, one widespread evolutionary
assumption is that snakes evolved from lizards which gradually lost their
Evolutionists at one time claimed
that the Seymouria fossil on the
left was a transitional form
between amphibians and
reptiles. According to this
scenario, Seymouria was "the
primitive ancestor of reptiles."
However, subsequent fossil
discoveries showed that reptiles
were living on earth some 30
million years before Seymouria.
In the light of this, evolutionists
had to put an end to their
comments regarding Seymouria.