Page 98 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 98


                                               front air sacs

                                                                                 rear air sacs
          B BIRDS' SPECIAL

              Fresh air                          Fresh air
                                                 Stale air
         Fresh air
         does not                         Rear air sacs are
         pass through                     filled with fresh air
         flont air sacs

        Front air
        sacs are
        filled with                                          BREATHING IN: The air
        the stale air                                        which enters birds'
        coming from                                          respiratory passages goes
        the lungs                                            to the lungs, and to air
                                                             sacs behind them. The air
                                                             which is used is
                                                             transferred to air sacs at
                                                             the front.

               Stale air
                                                            BREATHING OUT: When a bird
                                                            breathes out, the fresh air in the
                                                            rear air sacs goes into the lungs.
                                                            With this system, the bird is able
                                                            to enjoy a constant supply of
                                                            fresh air to its lungs.
                                            Fresh air moves out  There are many details in this
                                            of the rear air sacs  lung system, which is shown in
                                            to the lungs.   very simplified form in these
                                                            diagrams. For instance, there are
                                                            special valves where the sacs join
                                                            the lungs, which enable the air to
        Stale air is                                        flow in the right direction. All of
        expelled from                                       these show that there is clearly
        the front air                                       “creation” at work here. These
        sacs.                                               special systems not only deal a
                                                            death blow to the theory of
                                                            evolution, they are also among
                                                            the innumerable proofs of the
                                                            fact of creation.
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