Page 108 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 108
world" and go with Ti's crew. (Ti refers to Bonnie Lu Trusdale a co-
founder of the cult who died of cancer in 1985) 44
These accounts may seem to have very little to do with the lives of
most people who are reading this book. Yet, nobody should be deceived
by that fact as we have only considered three examples in detail. Alarge
number of deviant cults and organizations are influencing young peo-
ple in many countries of the world. The fact that some people regard
Members of The Heaven's Gate cult be-
lieved that the Hale-Bopp comet would
carry them to a higher stage of evolution,
based on which they committed suicide in
1997. Below is the leader of the group,
Bonnie Lu Trusdale.