Page 65 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 65

                                Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist

            in the Japanese underground system. Other groups that have come to
            notice, due to their acts of terrorism, include fanatical racists such as
            the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi groups. Over the last 20 years in partic-
            ular, there has been a visible increase in racist and fascist ideas among
            young people, and that has led to an increase in the number of acts of
            violence. The attacks perpetrated against Turks in Germany a few
            years ago, the abuse and assaults aimed at people of Asian and African

            origin in other European countries, and the acts of violence against
            Blacks and Arabs that still take place in the United States even today,
            can all be included among the range of methods employed by such
                 It must not be forgotten that, at the basis of all deviant movements,
            both those considered in this book and others that we have not dealt
            with, lies the fact that people have turned their backs on the morality of
            religion, and have been raised without true knowledge of the religion
            The common religious morality of Islam, Christianity and Judaism is

          The attacks on the World Trade Center and the
           Pentagon on September 11, 2001, are consid-
           ered some of the worst acts of terrorism of re-
            cent years. The fight against terrorism, once
               again became a priority as a result of the
              deaths of thousands of innocent people in
                                    these attacks.
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