Page 61 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 61

Adnan Oktar

                                                      calculate the number of
                                                      substrates an enzyme sets
             Protein substrate
                                                      into reaction in the course
                  Peptide bond                        of a second. This is known
                                           bond forms  as the enzyme's turnover
                                           between en-
                                           zyme and   number, and this number
                                                      varies for every individ-
             Proton from enzyme
             breaks peptide                           ual enzyme. Many en-
                                                      zymes have turnover
                                                      numbers in the tens or
                                          Induced fit
                                                      even hundreds; a few
                                                      even have turnover num-
            Part of the sub-                          bers expressed in thou-
            strate (P , as a
            product) is freed                         sands.
            from active site
                                                           One example is car-
                                                      bonic anhydrase. Nearly
                                                      half the carbon dioxide
             Water molecule                           produced by tissues is car-
             provides H and OH
             groups to enzyme                         ried in a dissolved state to
             and P 2                                  the lungs via the blood-
                                           bond be-   stream. For this process,
                                           tween en-
                                           zyme and   the level of carbon dioxide
                                           P breaks
                                            2         solution in the liquid envi-
                                                      ronment is rather high for

                                                 After the enzyme becomes involved
                                                 in a reaction, wide-ranging processes
                                                 take place, at an extraordinary speed.
                                                 For example, the speed at which the
             Enzyme restored                     enzyme carbonic anhydrase enters a
                                                 reaction is just 2 microseconds. If
                                                 you stretched out a second to the
              P (product) is freed               length of a whole year, 1 microsecond
                 from active site                lasts just as long as a soft-drink com-

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