Page 29 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 29

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                   27

            point it becomes necessary for "something" to be created from "nothing". 9
               Put briefly, the "oscillating" universe model is a hopeless fantasy whose
            physical reality is impossible.
               The "quantum model of universe" is another attempt to purge the Big
            Bang of its creationist implications. Supporters of this model base it on the
            observations of quantum (subatomic) physics. In quantum physics, it is to
            be observed that subatomic particles appear and disappear spontaneously
            in a vacuum. Interpreting this observation as "matter can originate at quan-
            tum level, this is a property pertaining to matter", some physicists try to ex-
            plain the origination of matter from non-existence during the Creation of
            the universe as a "property pertaining to matter" and present it as a part of
            laws of nature. In this model, our universe is interpreted as a subatomic
            particle in a bigger one.
               However this syllogism is definitely out of question and in any case can-
            not explain how the universe came into being. William Lane Craig, the au-
            thor of The Big Bang: Theism and Atheism explains why:
               A quantum mechanical vacuum spawning material particles is far
               from the ordinary idea of a "vacuum" (meaning nothing). Rather, a
               quantum vacuum is a sea of continually forming and dissolving par-
               ticles, which borrow energy from the vacuum for their brief existence.
               This is not "nothing," and hence, material particles do not come into
               being out of nothing. 10
               So in quantum physics, matter "does not exist when it was not before".
            What happens is that ambient energy suddenly becomes matter and just as
            suddenly disappears becoming energy again. In short, there is no condition
            of "existence from nothingness" as is claimed.
               In physics, no less than in other branches of the sciences, there are athe-
            ist scientists who do not hesitate to disguise the truth by overlooking criti-
            cal points and details in their attempt to support the materialist view and
            achieve their ends. For them, it is much more important to defend materi-
            alism and atheism than to reveal scientific facts and realities.
               In the face of the reality mentioned above, most scientists dismiss the
            quantum universe model. C. J. Isham explains that "this model is not ac-
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