Page 82 - The Creation Of The Universe
P. 82
have to have different orbital speeds not to plunge into the Sun or not to
fly off into space.
Materialist astronomy falsely claims that the origin and survival of the
solar system can be explained by coincidence. Over the last three centuries,
many of its adherents have speculated without any evidence on how this
marvelous order should have come to pass and they have failed to get any-
where. To a materialist, the equilibrium and order of the solar system are
inexplicable mysteries.
Astronomers like Kepler and Galileo, among the first to discover this su-
perlative equilibrium, acknowledged it as a sign of Creation of the whole
universe. Isaac Newton, recognized as one of the most important scientific
minds of all times, once wrote:
This most elegant system of suns, planets, and comets could arise from
the purpose and sovereignty of an intelligent and mighty being…He
rules them all, not as a soul but as a sovereign lord of all things, and
because of His sovereignty He is commonly called "Lord God
Almighty." 51
The Place of the Earth
Besides this wonderful equilibrium, the place of Earth in the solar sys-
tem and in the universe is also another piece of evidence of a perfect act
of Creation on Allah's part.
The latest astronomical findings have shown the importance of the oth-
er planets' existence for Earth. Jupiter's size and position turn for example
out to be critical. Astrophysical calculations show that, as the biggest plan-
et in the system, Jupiter supplies stability to the orbits of Earth and all the
other planets. Jupiter's protective role over the Earth is explained in an ar-
ticle "How special Jupiter is" by George Wetherill:
Without a large planet positioned precisely where Jupiter is, the earth
would have been struck a thousand times more frequently in the past by
comets and meteors and other interplanetary debris. If it were not for
Jupiter, we wouldn't be around to study the origin of the solar system. 52