Page 79 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 79


           worms and arthropods.
                But what were fossils of creatures that had lived on the sea bed
           hundreds of millions of years ago doing some 3,000 meters (9,850
           feet) high in the Rocky Mountains? It appeared that these creatures
           had been covered over in sand as the result of an underwater slide
           that had occurred hundreds of millions of years ago, and that this
           sediment-containing strata had risen up under the influence of geo-
           logical pressures to form the Rocky Mountains. This made it possi-
           ble for exceedingly well-preserved fossils of the ancient, yet com-

           plex living things to be to Walcott’s gaze.
                Inspired by the nearby Mount Burgess, Walcott named the re-
           gion “Burgess Shale” and collected some 65,000 fossil specimens
           there between 1910 and 1917. 45

           Charles Doolittle Walcott, who collected some 65,000 specimens of the earliest
           complex life forms in the Burgess Shale region, was responsible for one of the
           worst scientific cover-ups in history. Since he realized that the fossils he discov-
           ered would substantially demolish the theory of evolution, he concealed them for
           70 years in the Smithsonian Institution, of which he was the secretary. However,
           this still failed to hide the facts of the Cambrian Period. Newly discovered fossils in
           various parts of the world clearly showed that there had been an explosion of life
           in the Cambrian Period. The Burgess Shale fossils, which were brought out into the
           light after 70 years, also made this crystal-clear.

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