Page 88 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 88

The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend

                        The sweep of anatomical variety reached a maximum right after the
                        initial diversification of multicellular animals. The later history of life
                        proceeded by elimination, not expansion. The current earth may hold
                        more species than ever before, but most are iterations upon a few ba-
                        sic anatomical designs. (Taxonomists have described more than a half
                        million species of beetles, but nearly all are minimally altered Xeroxes
                        of a single ground plan.) In fact, the probable increase in number of
                        species through time merely underscores the puzzle and paradox.
                        Compared with the Burgess seas, today’s oceans contain many more
                        species based upon many fewer anatomical plans. 51
                        The “elimination” to which Gould refers is the sudden appear-
                   ance of phyla in the Cambrian and the gradual reduction in their

                   The variety and particular structures in the Cambrian life forms unearthed in the
                   Chengjiang region in China are most striking. These creatures possess bodies con-
                   sisting of various sections, antennae with special functions, the ability to hunt, and
                   highly complex anatomical structures. The fact that such organisms existed half a
                   billion or so years ago totally demolishes the theory of evolution.

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