Page 98 - The Cambrian Evidence that Darwin Failed to Comprehend
P. 98

The Cambrian Evidence That Darwin Failed to Comprehend

                        within the first 5 million to 10 million years. 62
                        In geological terms, 5 million years is no more than the blink of
                   an eye. This brief period made the fictitious process of evolution, al-
                   ready invalid in so many respects, totally impossible. This added the
                   problem of an inexplicable time frame to that of the inexplicable va-
                   riety of life that evolutionists were already unable to explain.
                        In an interview for Time, Samuel Bowring from M.I.T. said:
                        We now know how fast fast is. . . . And what I like to ask my biologist
                        friends is, How fast can evolution get before they start feeling uncom-
                        fortable? 63
                        This is an astonishingly short space of time for some 50 sepa-
                   rate phyla and a variety of species—part of which is known to us
                   and part is not—to suddenly emerge with no warning.
                        Compared with a human being’s life span, 5 million years is
                   certainly a long time. Yet the time frame needed for the fictitious sta-
                   ges that evolutionists claim would allow organisms to diverge and
                   acquire complex characteristics is millions or even billions of years
                   long. Bearing in mind that the Earth is now regarded as being 4.6 bil-
                   lion years old, 5 million years represents just 0.001 of the total age of
                   the Earth, and in relative terms, is just a single instant. 64
                        Jonathan Wells describes this rather brief period this way:

                        The major increase in animal fossils that marks the Cambrian explo-
                        sion began about 530 million years ago, and lasted a maximum of 5 to
                        10 million years. (Although 10 million years is a long time in human

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