Page 100 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 100
have perceived the secret behind matter, because this is the key to all ques-
tions. With this key, all secrets are unlocked. One comes to easily understand
many issues that were previously difficult to understand.
As previously stated, the concepts of death, paradise, hell, the hereafter
and changing dimensions will be explained, and important questions such
as "Where is Allah?", "What was before Allah?", "Who created Allah?", "How
long will the life in cemetery last?" "Where are heaven and hell?", and
"Where do heaven and hell currently exist?" will be easily answered. The
kind of system by which Allah created the entire universe from nothingness
will be understood. So much so that, with this secret, the questions of
"when", and "where" become meaningless, because there will be no time
and no place left. When spacelessness is comprehended, it will follow that
hell, heaven and earth are all actually at the same place. If timelessness is
understood, it will follow that everything takes place at a single moment:
nothing is waited for and time does not go by, because everything has
already happened and finished.
With this secret uncovered, the world becomes like heaven for a
believer. All distressful, material worries, anxieties, and fears vanish. The
individual grasps that the entire universe has a single Sovereign, that He
changes the entire physical world as He pleases and that all he — the believ-
er — has to do is to turn to Him. He then submits himself entirely to Allah
"to be devoted to His service". (Surah Al 'Imran, 35)
To comprehend this secret is the greatest gain in the world.
Along with this secret, another very important reality mentioned in the
Qur'an is unveiled: the fact that "Allah is nearer to man than his jugular
vein." (Surah Qaf, 16). As everybody knows, the jugular vein is inside the
body. What could be nearer to a person than his own insides? This is easily
explained by the reality of spacelessness. This verse can also be much better
understood in terms of this concept.
This is the plain truth. It should be well established that there is no
other helper and provider for man other than Allah. There is nothing but
Allah; He is the only absolute being in Whom one can seek refuge, appeal to
for help, and count on for reward.
Wherever we turn, there is the presence of Allah.