Page 94 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 94


            even though the person who would break the vase was not aware that he
            would break it until a moment before it happened, that moment was experi-
            enced and known in Allah's Sight. For this reason, Allah tells human beings
            not to be sorry for the things that may have escaped them. What have
            escaped them escaped in accordance with their destiny, and they cannot
            change it. People must learn a lesson from what happens in their destiny, see
            the purpose and benefits that accrue to them from it. They must always
            incline themselves toward the endless mercy, compassion and justice of our
            Lord, Who creates their destiny, and spares and protects His servants.

                 Those who lead their lives heedless of this important reality are always
            anxious and fearful. For example, they are very worried about the future of
            their children. They are very concerned about questions such as these: What
            school will they go to? What profession will they follow?  Will they have
            good health? What kind of lives will they lead? However, every moment of
            a person's life is determined in Allah's Sight, from the time he is a single cell
            to the time he learns to read and write, from the first answers he gives in a
            university exam to what company he will work in during his life, what
            papers he will sign and how many times he will sign them, where and how
            he will die. All of these things are hidden in the memory of Allah. For exam-
            ple, at this moment, a person is in the fetal stage, at primary school and at
            the university. These are all in Allah's memory as one single moment, along
            with the moment he celebrates his thirty-fifth birthday, the first day he
            begins his job, the moment when he sees the angels after he dies, the
            moment when he is buried, and the moment on the Last Day when he will
            give an account to Allah.

                 Consequently, it is pointless to worry and be fearful about a life whose
            every moment has been lived, experienced and is still present in the memo-
            ry of Allah. No matter how hard a person tries and no matter how anxious
            he may be, everyone, his children, spouse, friends and relatives will live the
            life that is present at Allah's Sight.
                 If this is the case, a person of conscience and intelligence who grasps
            this reality must submit humbly to Allah and to the destiny He has created.
            Actually, everyone is already in submission to Allah, created in subservience
            to Him. No matter whether he likes it or not, he lives subservient to the des-
            tiny created for him by Allah. A person who denies his destiny is a denier
            because being a denier is written in his destiny.
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