Page 26 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 26

                                  THE ALLIANCE OF THE GOOD

                  The Evil Ones Follow Satan's Way

                  The majority of people believe Satan to be an "imaginary"
              being with no real existence, and merely a concept
              symbolising evil. However, God also created the jinn, angels
              and Satan, as He created man and all the other living beings
              on earth, though in another dimension.
                  The most obvious characteristics of Satan are his
              disobedience to God and his arrogance. These aside, from the
              time God created the first human being, namely Prophet
              Adam (as), on earth, Satan set himself to lead people astray
              and hinder them from the right path. This is revealed in the
              Qur'an as follows:

                  He said, 'By Your might, I will mislead all of them
                  except for Your chosen servants among them.' (Surah
                  Sad: 82-83)
                  Satan has various methods he uses to prevent people
              from following their conscience and from the righteous way
              of God. He may instil in them apprehensions or direct people
              to what is wrong by way of his friends. Take, for instance, a
              person who recently started performing his regular prayers
              or complying with the commandments of God. Some of his
              friends, who are under the influence of Satan, may ridicule
              this person or draw his attention to some other temptation at
              prayer times. If this person fails to have a strong will and
              commitment to his conscience, then Satan may, within a short
              time, make this person stop practising his prayers by way of
              his friends. Alternately, a person helping the poor may be
              called a "fool" by his immediate circle and be convinced into
              spending his money instead on a new car or a holiday. Satan,
              using the people around him, may make this person see
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