Page 34 - The Alliance of the Good
P. 34
Even those among whom there is constant competition, or
who have problems with each other due to conflict of
interests, forget all about their differences when a common
goal is in question, and decide to unite. This goal is the one
commanded by Satan: to form a joint force against the good,
against Muslims who believe in God and the hereafter,
sincere, conscientious and honest people who are on the side
of justice. In this way, they want to coerce the good to their
side… God gives an account of this secret call of Satan in the
verse; "…The Satans inspire their friends to dispute with
you…"(Surat al-An'am: 121)
The ultimate aim of this alliance, shaped by the efforts
and inspiration of Satan, does not differ from the goals of the
evil of the past.
Both in the past and today, the main goal of the alliance of
the evil is to hinder the diffusion of moral values, like self-
sacrifice, sincerity, honesty, conscientiousness and justice
among people. No matter how such people strive to present
themselves as the advocates of goodness, and living by the
principles of the Qur'an, these values will always remain an
impediment to their attainment of their personal ambitions,
that is, they do not suit their purposes. This is the underlying
reason why they exert such an all-out effort to obstruct the
spread of the Qur'anic principles and desire to have fewer
good people around. Meanwhile, they wish the good to
become diverted from the right path, and to join them. They
always wish them to disregard the truth and pursue trivial
aims and desires, as do the wicked, and become people who
live only to eat, drink and enjoy themselves. Once the good
start talking, thinking and writing like them, and conduct