Page 25 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 25

12. Can anyone relate information about
                 the future?

                 Knowledge of the future, whether close or remote, be-
             longs only to Allah, the sole possessor of the knowledge of
             the Unseen. Thus, people cannot relate any information
             about the future. Allah, however, says in the Qur’an that He
             may provide some information about the future to His
                 He is the Knower of the Unseen, and does not divulge
                 His secrets to anyone—except a Messenger with whom
                 He is well pleased, and then He posts sentinels before
                 him and behind him. (Surat al-Jinn, 26-27)

                 13. Is it proper to talk about the future in a

                 definite manner?
                 No, for only Allah knows what will happen. Whatever
             one encounters in a week, a minute, or a second later occurs
             completely by His will. Thus, people cannot possibly make
             a definite plan even for the following day. Allah may redi-
             rect or even end the course of a person’s life, send a serious
             accident or a fatal illness, destroy his or her city by means of
             an earthquake, or send some other unexpected events. As
             people cannot know their destiny, which Allah has predeter-
             mined, they have no guarantee that they will even be able to
             execute a given plan in the next second.
                 Given that all events occur according to Allah’s decree,
             the Qur’an advises people not to talk about anything so def-
             initely, but rather to say: "If Allah wills," as follows:

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