Page 141 - Wonders of Allah's Creation
P. 141

People who are oppressed, who are tortured to death, innocent
            babies, those who cannot afford even a loaf of bread, who must sleep
            in tents or even in streets in cold weather, those who are massacred
            just because they belong to a certain tribe, women, children, and old
            people who are expelled from their homes because of their
            religion… Eventually, there is only one solution to the injustice,
            chaos, terror, massacres, hunger, poverty, and oppression: the
            morals of the Qur'an.
             208 PAGES WITH 276 PICTURES IN COLOUR

                                               Have you ever thought that you were non-existent before you
                                              were born and suddenly appeared on Earth? Have you ever thought
                                              that the peel of a banana, melon, watermelon or an orange each
                                              serve as a quality package preserving the fruit's odour and taste?
                                               Man is a being to which Allah has granted the faculty of thinking. Yet
                                              a majority of people fail to employ this faculty as they should… The
                                              purpose of this book is to summon people to think in the way they
                                              should and to guide them in their efforts to think.
                                               128 PAGES WITH 137 PICTURES IN COLOUR

              In the Qur'an, there is an explicit reference to the "second coming
             of the Jesus to the world" which is heralded in a hadith. The
             realisation of some information revealed in the Qur'an about Jesus
             can only be possible by Jesus' second coming…
              102 PAGES

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