Page 83 - The Prophet Muhammad (saas)
P. 83
Aisha (r.a.) described the exquisite morality she saw in the
Prophet (saas) in these terms:
"The Prophet (saas)'s nature was the Qur'an". 28
Anas bin Malik (ra), who was raised in the Prophet (saas)'s
household and served him for many years, spoke of his matchless
"Allah's Messenger (saas) that when he shook hands
with anyone he did not withdraw his hands till the other
man withdrew his. Similarly, he did not turn away his
face from anyone till that man turned his face to the
other side. And he was never seen to put forward his
knees in front of one with whom he was sitting." 29
"Ibn 'Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (saas)
changed the name of Asiya (Disobedient) and said: 'You
are Jamila (i.e.good and handsome)'." 30
"Whenever one spoke to him the other would keep quiet
and listen till he would finish." 31
"Anas bin Malik (ra) says: 'I remained in the service of
the Rasulullah (saas) for ten years. He never once told
me 'Oof.' When I did something, he never asked me why
did you do so? When I did not do a certain task, he never
asked me why I did not do it'." 32
The Prophet (saas) taught thousands of people during his
life, and was a means by which those who knew nothing of reli-
gion and morality came to be morally superior, well-be-
haved, thoughtful and self-sacrificing. Even after his
death, the Prophet (saas) is still teaching by means of
his words, attitudes and behavior, and is a
most noble guide and teacher.