Page 92 - The Prophet Muhammad (saas)
P. 92

The Prophet Muhammad (saas)

                               In the hadiths, we see that the Prophet (saas) would pray to Allah
                         for a finer morality and a good temperament, and that he beseeched

                         Allah in these terms:

                               "O Allah, make my constitution and conduct good. O Allah,
                               save me from bad character and conduct." 34

                               As Allah has revealed in the verse: "Say: 'What has My Lord to do
                         with you if you do not call on Him?'..."
                         (Surat al-Furqan: 77), prayer is a
                         most important obligation upon

                         the faithful. A person must
                         know that no power is of
                         the slightest use unless
                         Allah so wishes it. He
                         must turn to Allah in all
                         matters, in fear and aspi-

                         ration, and pray to Him
                         for everything. The
                         prayers of the Prophet
                         (saas), as those of the

                         other prophets revealed
                         in the Qur'an, are the
                         very best examples for
                         the faithful. They have
                         shown in their prayers
                         how they surrendered to

                         Allah and saw Him as
                         their only friend and
                         helper, as well as prais-
                         ing our Lord by His
                         most beautiful names.
                                                            The Muayyad Mosque by David Roberts.
                         We can also see from the
                         prayers of the prophets
                         how they paid no attention
                         to time when praying, but would turn to our Lord whenever they were in

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