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324                 KUfiLARIN VE UÇUfiUN KÖKEN‹

                142. "Bird Evolution Flies out the Window", An  Mart 2001.
                anatomist talks about Archæopteryx: David  158. Xu Xing, "Response to 'Feathers for T.
                Menton with Carl Wieland; Creation Ex Nihilo,  rex?'", National Geographic, cilt 197, no. 3, Mart
                cilt 16, no. 4, Temmuz-A¤ustos 1994, s. 16-19.  2000.
                143. A. D. Walker, Geological Magazine, cilt 117,  159. Jeff Hecht, "Piltdown bird", New Scientist,
                1980, s. 595.                       cilt 165, no. 2223, 29 Ocak 2000, s. 12.
                144. "Bird Evolution Flies out the Window", An  160. Jeff Hecht, "Piltdown bird", New Scientist,
                anatomist talks about Archæopteryx: David  cilt 165, no. 2223, 29 Ocak 2000, s. 12.
                Menton with Carl Wieland; Creation Ex Nihilo,  161. "Open Letter: Smithsonian decries Nati-
                cilt 16, no. 4, Temmuz-A¤ustos 1994, s. 16-19.  onal Geographic's 'editorial propagandizing'
                145. "Early Bird Had the Brains to Fly", Scienti-  of dinosaur-to-bird 'evolution'"; http://www.
                fic American, Science News, 5 A¤ustos 2004.
                146. Jacqueline Ali, "Bird brain reveals flight  162. Tim Friend, "Dinosaur-bird link smashed
                secrets", BBC News Online;  in fossil flap", USA Today, 25 Ocak 2000.
        163. Alan Feduccia, "Plucking Apart the Dino-
                147. Jacqueline Ali, "Bird brain reveals flight  Birds", Discover, February 2003, cilt 24, no. 2.
                secrets", BBC News Online;  164. Jeff Hecht, "F is for Fake: Only an X-ray
        will stamp your fossil bargain as authentic",
                148. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery  New Scientist, 19 fiubat 2000.
                Publishing, 2000, s. 117.           165. Jeff Hecht, "F is for Fake: Only an X-ray
                149. Richard Hinchliffe, "The Forward March  will stamp your fossil bargain as authentic",
                of the Bird-Dinosaurs Halted?", Science, cilt  New Scientist, 19 fiubat 2000.
                278, no. 5338, 24 Ekim 1997, s. 596-597.  166. Jeff Hecht, "F is for Fake: Only an X-ray
                150. Richard L. Deem, "Demise of the 'Birds are  will stamp your fossil bargain as authentic",
                Dinosaurs' Theory";  New Scientist, 19 fiubat 2000.
                dinobird2.html                      167. "Scientist disputes fossil is "missing link"
                151. S. L. Olson, Alan Feduccia, Nature, cilt 278,  between dinosaurs", Brunswickan Publishing,
                1979, s. 247.                       The Associated Press, 1999; http://www.unb.
                152. "The Oldest Fossil Bird:  A Rival for  ca/web/bruns/9900/issue16/sciencetech/
                Archæopteryx", Science, cilt 199, 20 Ocak 1978, s.  missinglink.html
                284.                                168. Jeff Hecht, "Psst...wanna Triceratops?",
                153. "Bird Evolution Flies out the Window", An  New Scientist, cilt 152, no. 2060, 14 Aral›k 1996,
                anatomist talks about Archæopteryx: David  s. 12.
                Menton with Carl Wieland; Creation Ex Nihilo,  169. Jeff Hecht, "F is for Fake: Only an X-ray
                cilt 16, no. 4, Temmuz-A¤ustos 1994, s. 16-19.  will stamp your fossil bargain as authentic",
                154.  New Scientist, 19 fiubat 2000.
                lwsch/journals/bciclr/23_2/02_TXT.htm; The  170. Jeff Hecht, "Psst...wanna Triceratops?",
                Confuciusornis Sanctus: An Examination of Chi-  New Scientist, cilt 152, no. 2060, 14 Aral›k 1996,
                nese Cultural Property Law and Policy in Acti-  s. 12.
                on, Anne Carlisle Schmidt.          171. Alan Feduccia, J. David'e email, 26 Ekim
                155., 24 Haziran 1998.  1999;
                156. Jeff Hecht, "Piltdown Bird", New Scientist,  docs/4208news2-3-2000.asp
                cilt 165, no. 2223, 29 Ocak 2000, s. 12.  172. Scott F. Gilbert, "Did Birds Evolve from
                157. "Dino-Kufl Palavra Ç›kt›", Hürriyet, 29  the Dinosaurs?", Developmental Biology, 6. bas-
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