Page 31 - Not by Chance
P. 31

The Flawless Order of the Universe Falsifies Claims That It Came About by Chance  29

                  The distance between the Earth and our moon ensures many impor-
              tant balances and is extremely vital for the continuation of life on Earth.
              Indeed, the slightest variation in the distance between the two bodies
              could give rise to significant imbalances. For example:

                  - If the moon were much closer [to the Earth], it would crash into
                  our planet, if much farther away, it would move off into space.

                  - If it were much closer, the tides
                  that the moon causes on the
                  earth would become dan-
                  gerously larger. Ocean
                  waves would sweep
                  across low-lying sections
                  of    the   continents.
                  Resultant friction would
                  heat the oceans, destroying the del-
                  icate thermal balance needed for life on earth.
                  - A more distant moon would reduce tidal action, making the
                  oceans more sluggish. Stagnant water would endanger marine life,
                  yet it is that very marine life that produces the oxygen that we
                  breathe. 4

                The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
                O God: All the Praises are for You: You are the Lord of the Heavens
                and the Earth. All the Praises are for You: You are the Maintainer of
                the Heaven and the Earth. You are my only God [Whom I worship] and
                there is no other God for me [I worship none but You]. 5
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