Page 13 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 13


                                    he superstitious Far Eastern religions are a
                                    mystery to most. When superstitious faiths
                                    like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism,

                                    Shinto, Confucianism and Taoism are men-
                                    tioned, people tend to think of religious com-
                                    munities who worship or pray to idols carved
                                    out of stone or wood, make offerings to and
             put on shows of seeming respect for them and perform mysterious cer-
             emonies in dimly lit temples. Whereas Divine and monotheistic reli-
             gions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism  (–the original state of
             Christianity and Judaism is referred to here as they have been tampered with
             and altered since their revelation—) are based on revelation and call hu-
             manity to an enlightened, happy, safe and just life. The superstitious
             Eastern religions with their 1.5 billion believers worldwide, represent
             a gloomy life filled with pagan rituals, social injustices and miserable
             conditions, that is to say, a warped life. The most fundamental mistake
             of the believers in these superstitious faiths is that they deny the cer-
             tainty of Allah’s existence (Allah is beyond that) and put their faith in-
             to hundreds of millions of idols, perversely worshipping them and ig-
             norantly hoping for help and salvation from them.
                  The majority of Asian people believe in pagan religions like

             Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddhists prostrate before Buddha idols,
             making supplications and offerings to them, and Hindus worship liter-
             ally millions of different idols. The irrationality and perversion of be-
             lieving in the power of stone idols, of believing that such idols have the
             power to punish or reward, of respecting or fearing them is self-evi-
             dent. Even worse, Hinduism demands reverence to cows, apes, mice,
             trees, rivers etc., which leads to even greater spiritual perversion, igno-
             rance and darkness.
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