Page 302 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 302


               its. For such reasons, people devoid of the fear of Allah are liable to
               commit sin and immorality irrespective of the social system they are

               subject to.
                   For people who have no faith in and fear of Allah, the world is dis-
               orderly and unpredictable. They think that everything happens acci-
               dentally or coincidentally. In such an environment a sense of security
               and happiness cannot develop, because at any time, something can
               happen to them that may be distressing, saddening or damaging. They
               have countless anxieties and worries about the future such as suffering
               from a terminal illness, bankruptcy or a separation from his beloved

               ones or an unforeseen tragedy that may strike them anywhere. As they
               believe that all these events are uncontrolled, they have a separate fear
               of each of them. As they know, they have no control over these events,
               they are susceptible to great despair and hopelessness. There are many
               rivals in their environment waiting for an opportunity to take advan-
               tage of them and it is not possible to fight them all. They are constant-
               ly trying to discover what others think of them, which causes severe
               stress and tensions. Someone who has faith in and fears Allah has none
               of these issues. The fear of Allah and faith in Him removes all such

               worries. Knowing that Allah is the Owner and Creator of everything
               there is, that everything happens by Allah ordaining it, and according
               to the destiny determined by Him, and that He will protect and watch
               over His servants who believe and trust in Him, frees people from suf-
               fering every kind of fear and dependence.
               It is for these reasons that the superstitious belief of the pagan father of

               the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) is revealed as follows in a verse:
                   Remember when he said to his father, “Father, why do you worship
                   what can neither hear nor see and is not of any use to you at all?”
                   (Surah Maryam: 42)

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