Page 317 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 317


             One that gives it, and He takes it again when He wants. All the people
             who have come before, and all who are with us today, and all the peo-

             ple who will come after us have, or will, die. Allah reveals this reality
             in the following way:
                  Every self will taste death. You will be paid your wages in full on
                  the Day of Resurrection. Anyone who is distanced from the Fire
                  and admitted to the Garden has triumphed. The life of this world is
                  just the enjoyment of delusion. (Surah Al ‘Imran: 185)
                  This world is a place of learning. Allah has given people various
             responsibilities and revealed His limits. If man observes these limits,

             obeys the commandments and refrains from what is forbidden to him,
             he will spiritually, intellectually and consciously mature. He learns to
             be patient, never to compromise on Allah’s religion, to turn to Him in
             all matters and to seek only His help. He also learns to respect Him ap-
             propriately and to fear, respect and love Him in equal measure. He
             thus acquires a pure faith and total submission to Him. He comes to ap-
             preciate Allah’s providence truthfully and thus his gratefulness, love
             and proximity to Allah is enhanced and finally he becomes a perfect be-

             liever of superior mind and character. He becomes a person who is de-
             serving of entrance into Allah’s glorious paradise
                  Man is tried by the many events in his life and according to his suc-
             cess or failure, he either deserves reward or punishment. No one knows
             when his trial will end. Death is “at a predetermined time” (Surah Al
             ‘Imran: 145) as revealed by the Qur’an. Life can be sometimes long and

             sometime short. Even the longest lives rarely exceed 70 or 80 years.
                  For this reason, man should realize that he is answerable to Allah,
             that he will be held accountable for all his actions in life and that he
             should live by the guidance provided by the Qur’an and our Prophet

                                  Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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