Page 370 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 370


               that the time had come to replace Divine
               religions with scientific progress and so-
               cial solidarity.

                   The deaths of over 60 million people
               in the Second World War was a “scientific
               progress” (!) that shook the optimism of the
               Humanist Manifesto. Following further
               blows to the system, Dewey’s followers were
               forced to revise the manifesto which resulted
               in the proclamation of the second Humanist
               Manifesto in 1973, in which it was acknowl-
               edged that science could occasionally be harm-
               ful, but the Manifesto's core philosophy re-
               mained nevertheless unchanged. According to this unsci-
               entific and nonsensical assertion, man was now compe-
               tent to guide his own imaginary evolution, and science
               was to be the guiding principle. It said:

                   “Using technology wisely, we can control our environ-
                   ment, conquer poverty, markedly reduce disease, ex-
                   tend our life-span, significantly modify our behavior,
                   alter the course of human evolution and cultural devel-
                   opment, unlock vast new powers, and provide hu-
                   mankind with unparalleled opportunity for achieving an
                   abundant and meaningful life.” 164
                   Every evolutionist aspires to these errors that reveal the
               core perversions of the false “evolution religion” knowingly
               or unwittingly. First they dream up an imaginary evolu-
               tionary process and assumes that this process is the basis of

                 The religious humanism movement launched by the materialist
                 philosopher Dewey was in any case manifestly a deception.
                 However, the 50 million people who lost their lives in the Second
                 World War are further confirmation of that fact.
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