Page 378 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 378



                   EVIL” IS A DUTY ON ALL MUSLIMS
                   Muslims learn true good and evil from the Qur’an revealed by
               Allah as a book that “separates good from evil”. The Qur’an explains
               by examples everyone can understand the concepts of right and wrong,
               good and evil. A Muslim always tries his best to apply the morality of

               the Qur’an in all spheres of his life. He also has another important re-
               sponsibility: to invite people to find truth, to refrain from evil and to
               live by the morality of the Qur’an. For this reason, Muslims explain to
               others the differences between good and evil throughout their lives.
               Allah reveals this responsibility with the following verse:
                   Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and en-
                   join the right, and forbid the wrong. They are the ones who have
                   success. (Surah al ‘Imran: 104)
                   Genuine Muslims are aware of the importance of this duty re-
               vealed by the verse: “Let there be a community among you who call to

               the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. They are the ones
               who have success.” (Surah Al ‘Imran: 104), which is why they invite
               everyone in their environment, their relatives, families and anyone
               they can reach, to believe in Allah, to fear and respect Him and to abide
               by the good morality he prescribes. Allah’s commandment of uphold-
               ing the good and preventing evil is the reason for the reminders made
               to the millions of people who know only the Far Eastern religions or
               who are People of the Book who converted to them.

                   The Qur’an also reports that people who abide by Allah’s follow-
               ing commandment are the benefactors of humanity:
                   You are the best nation ever to be produced before mankind. You
                   enjoin the right, forbid the wrong and have faith in Allah. If the
                   People of the Book were to have faith, it would be better for them.

                                 Islam And Far Eastern Religions
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