Page 388 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 388


                   Throughout this book we have abided by Allah’s commandment re-
               vealed in the Qur’an to explain faith and reminded followers of supersti-
               tious Far Eastern religions to “refrain from evil” and the hazardous end
               to which their religion might lead them. We have also explained Allah’s
               verses and Islamic morality for the benefit of people. All followers of

               Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shamanism, Confucianism, Taoism,
               Shintoism, Sikhism and other practitioners of superstitious Far Eastern
               religions are invited to abandon their erroneous beliefs, to believe in the
               one and only Allah and to submit to the will of our Almighty Lord.
                   They should reflect with common sense on this rewarding invita-
               tion, and reevaluate sincerely their habitual pagan traditions and rituals
               free from prejudice. If they follow the voice of their conscience and re-
               flect on the reminders noted in this book, no doubt they too will unite
               under the one truth which is “La Ilaha Illa Allah” (There is no god but
               Allah). All people who choose to abandon their idols and false gods ac-
               quired besides Allah and decide to worship only Him, feeling remorse
               for the evils they have committed before, should act on their decision
               without losing any more time. They must leave all their false beliefs and
               ways of life behind and surrender to Allah from the bottom of their
               hearts. If they do, they “will find Allah most certainly forgiving and
               compassionate” (Surat an-Nisa’: 110) and they will find contentment
               and happiness. The actions of the Israelites under similar circumstances
               provide a good example for them. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) reminded

               them of their error, and called them to repent and turn to Allah. Allah re-
               veals in the Surat al-Baqara that He forgave them:
                   And when Moses said to his people, “My people, You wronged
                   yourselves by taking the Calf (for worship) so turn towards your
                   Maker and kill yourselves. That is the best thing for you in your
                   Maker’s Sight.” And He turned towards you. He is the Ever-
                   Returning, the Most Merciful. (Surat al-Baqara: 54)

                                 Islam And Far Eastern Religions
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