Page 425 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
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             30 Deccan Herald, February 5, 1988  44 The Hindu, 16 February 1995
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             Http://Www.Bigeye.Com/082601.Htm  Gowh1.Html
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             Bonded Child Laborers And The World  54 Kim Knott, Hinduizmin ABC'si, P. 107
             Bank."    Multinational  Monitor,  55 Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, Travels In India,
             January/February, 1997.           Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi, 1989, Vol. II,
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             42 Ibid                           58 Deccan Herald, "VHP Reviving 'Sati'",
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                                  Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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