Page 32 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 32


            them as much as it affects themselves. In the main people are un-
            comfortable around those who continually sing their own praises
            and assert their own worth. In time this can cause a cooling of rela-
            tions between a person and those around him or even cause him to
            become isolated. Because of this everybody should think twice
            about such behavior and never forget that everything they experi-
            ence in this world comes from Allah. They should try to see the ef-
            fects boasting has on them and on those around them and should
            thank Allah for the blessings He has granted and purify themselves
            of the kind of behavior which contradicts spirit of the Qur'an.

                Everything Is Bound up in a Desire for More
                It is possible for ignorant people to live a happy life, profit from
            their lives to the maximum and gain the greatest possible benefits. In
            the Qur'an, Allah tells us that ignorant people "try to outdo one an-
            other in wealth and children." (Surat al-Hadid: 20) This desire for in-
            c rease springs from people's ambition that their advantages should
            continually grow both in quantity and in quality. They hope that they
            will be happy to the extent that they acquire more and more beautiful
            possessions. For example, a person starts driving a fine car with the
            g reatest of pleasure and satisfaction. However, within a short time his
            p l e a s u re and happiness give way to concern because he sees a more
            showy and more luxurious car and because of this ceases to be satis-
            fied with his own. In time his sole aim will be to possess this new car.
            This pattern is valid not only for cars but for everything which gives
            people pleasure. In the community of the ignorant, people feel the
            u rge to possess as much as possible of what they like and derive pleas-
            u re from. They can never be satisfied with less, believing that owning
            the most of everything can make them happy.
                In fact, as we explained in the previous section, everything in

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