Page 45 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 45
The Unhappiness of the Society of the Ignorant
is my Lord! This is greater!" Then when it set he said, "My
people, I am free of what you associate with Allah!" "I have
turned my face to Him Who brought the Heavens and earth
into being, a pure natural believer. I am not one of the idol -
aters." (Surat al-An‘am: 75-79)
If a person works throughout his life to earn Allah's good pleas-
ure, carries out his responsibilities with sincerity, and asks anything
from Him, he will see clearly that Allah always helps him and pro-
tects him against troubles of every sort. In the Qur'an Allah gives
this good news to believers:
Say: "Allah rescues you from it, and from every plight.
Then you associate others with Him." (Surat al-An‘am: 64)
... Allah will certainly help those who help Him—Allah is
All-Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Hajj: 40)
If Allah helps you, no one can vanquish you. If He forsakes
you, who can help you after that? So the believers should
put their trust in Allah. (Surah Al ‘Imran: 160)
They Misunderstand the Concept of Fate
If you ask people nowadays what fate is, you will receive the
correct answer from very few of them. This shows that people do not
fully know what fate means. The fact that they do not learn the
meaning of fate from the Qur'an, which guides to the truth in every
m a t t e r, causes them to lose out on the comfort and peace which a
proper understanding of fate can bring them.
Fate is Allah's knowledge down to the minutest detail and His
c o n t rol of what every living being He has created has done in the
past and will do in the future; their every action, thought and word.
Everything people see and experience in their lives has been
planned by Allah before they are even born. We are told that Allah