Page 54 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 54
How Satan Causes People Misgivings
F rom the day man was created to the present, Satan has been
the most implacable and dangerous enemy of mankind. He deceives
and corrupts people by distancing them from the love and will of
Allah and from the Qur'an, and by provoking them and setting
them against one another, in short by making them as much like
himself as possible. Allah warns people that Satan is a clear and
p resent enemy in the verse, "Did I not make a contract with you,
tribe of Adam, not to worship Satan, who truly is an outright
enemy to you?" (Surah Ya Sin: 60)
Despite being faced with such a dangerous and at the same time
cunning enemy, some people live in complete heedlessness of this re-
ality because they are unaware of Satan's existence and of just how
cunning he really is. Some people re g a rd Satan as a kind of symbol
with no real existence. These incorrect ideas about Satan cause their
f a i l u re to notice what serious trouble and strife he is capable of mak-
ing people suffer and leave them defenseless against him. This gives
him a simple opportunity of turning people who are heedless of him
against Allah and His religion. There are millions of people who do
not recognize Satan even when they are face to face with him. This in
turn shows what serious danger these people are in.