Page 98 - Faith: The Way to Happiness
P. 98


            unhappiness increases along with the trouble and stress that go with
            it. In order to find a little relief they end up resorting to methods
            which do them even more harm. The most widespread of these are
            alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Their psychological state is so seri-
            ously disturbed and deep-rooted that they do not hesitate to use
            substances which harm their bodies and damage their internal or-
            gans. As a result of the endless unhappiness of their existence, they
            bury their heads in the sand and abandon the natural intelligence
            which they would normally regard as their main asset. Hence, they
            fail to acknowledge that all these things will only worsen the situa-
            tion they are in.
                It is impossible for a person who lives continually in such a
            psychological state to be robust and healthy. His body will age faster
            than normal and will signal this in various ways. Ailments starting
            with continual headaches, early hair loss and lack of appetite are the
            forerunners of more painful and serious illnesses which will emerge
            l a t e r. Their health, which is amongst the most important gifts we
            have as far as happiness is concerned, is dangerously undermined
            by the constant stress which pervades their lives. They are not even
            a w a re that their misguided efforts to ease their troubles a little are
            only opening the way to even greater danger, together with all of its
                Believers are able to enjoy the peace of sincere reliance on Allah
            and taking only Him as their friend and guardian. They never be-
            have in any way which will endanger their health which they regard
            as a blessing given them by Allah. As a result, they look after them-
            selves to the best of their ability and so remain robust and healthy.
            They know what an important and wonderful thing health is and
            they are always grateful to Allah for it. They do not ignore every
            p roblem they encounter like the disbelievers but concern them-

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