Page 12 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 12
criticisms and developments in science, is a pagan religion that denies
the existence of God.
The fact that Darwinism is founded upon the denial of God
(AllŒh) and that it is actually a pagan religion is something that a lot of
people – even its followers – have only recently begun to state openly
in articles, books and other writings; hence, you might find what you
read in this book surprising. When you realize how intricate and
widespread this religion is, you will ask yourself why you did not
recognize this obvious fact long ago.
Darwinism is a false religion; yet, it is one of the largest and most
widespread religions in the world. It has forcefully influenced people
through its various methods of propaganda and of falsification and
obfuscation. Over generations the number of its adherents has been
growing. Unconsciously, people have become affected by this false
religion and, with time, can become serious Darwinists.
But facts are being continually uncovered in the realm of science
that this godless religion cannot tolerate. With every new
development people are once again coming face to face with the
reality of creation. The religion of Darwinism is losing strength before
questions about how living things first came into existence, the
flawless design and complex structure of living creatures, the variety
in species, etc. Every day it loses one more lifeline, for it is a religion
that is founded on blind faith and remains impotent in the face of
developments in molecular biology, genetics, paleontology and
biomathematics. The many recent discoveries in these branches of
science show clearly and definitely that evolution is not true.
The only true fact demonstrated time and again by scientific
advances is the reality of creation. If you look even with the naked eye
at the living things around you, you will find the proof of an