Page 58 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 58
A Dark Religion Comes to Life on the Galapagos Islands
Imagine visiting a vibrant green archipelago in the middle of the
ocean. On this bit of land separated from the mainland by thousands
of kilometers there is a beautiful, rich variety of plants and animals
found no where else in the world. Living things one never
encountered before abound here in great variety. If you found
yourself in such a place with this magnificent view in front of you,
what would you think?
With such wonderful colors, vitality and
variety before your eyes, you would, no doubt,
feel a deep sense of pleasure and would ask
yourself how all these beautiful things came to
be. You would conclude that in the middle of
Left: A representation of the ship "Beagle"
on which Darwin made his journey.
Bottom: The Galapagos Islands where
Darwin worked out his theory.